If you haven't watched, Flipping the College Decision check it out now. This video highlights the importance of "Beginning with the End in Mind"
You should have a future career in mind at this step!!
With the information, you gathered in your Career Exploration (Education, Skills, Responsibilities, Salary)
Answer the following questions:
Which postsecondary options do you need to attend to get the degree, license, or certification you need for your future career?
Which High School classes do you need to take to prepare you for your future career.
Are there volunteer, apprenticeship, or job shadowing opportunities to get a real-life look into your future career?
Which CTE pathways will help you get the technical skills that will help you with your future career?
Are there any clubs, programs, or extracurricular activities that will help you reach your career goals?
Need help? Contact your School Counselor we are happy to help!