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math pathways

The Math department at Raney is dedicated to ensure that every student has a successful transition and is prepared for the next level in their math education.

There is a concerted effort to allow students to deeply understand math concepts. In the past students have learned many concepts on a basic level and now the focus is fewer concepts at a deeper level so that students will internalize these concepts and be able to apply them in many different circumstances. We have a Raney Math Channel on YouTube which we use to post videos that can support our students outside of school.  Please CLICK on link: Raney Math Channel

At the Intermediate schools, the following math classes are offered at each grade level. The chart below describes the math classes that are offered at Raney Intermediate:

Classes for 7th Grade Math
Math 7
  • Students will study fractions, decimals, percent, positive and negative numbers, and rational numbers; ratios and proportions; and practice solving algebraic equations. A strong emphasis will be on understanding mathematical principles required for success in this course and as a foundation for future mathematics courses. 
Math 7 Accelerated
  • Two years of mathematics concepts combined into 1 year.
  • Students are placed in this class based on proficiency levels on other assessments.
Classes for 8th Grade Math
Math 8
  • Students will work with properties of real numbers, solving linear equations, graphing linear equations and functions, writing linear equations, solving and graphing linear inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities, exponents and exponential functions, quadratic equations and functions, polynomials and factoring, rational expression and equations, and radicals and connections to geometry. 
Integrated Math 1
  • Integrated Math 1 for students who have excelled in Math 7 Accelerated or equivalent.
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