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6th Grade: Earth Science

This year we will be focusing on discovering Earth Science. Throughout the course, we will be studying specific standards and core topics, and participating in cooperative learning structures and strategies.The Earth Science curriculum starts with introductions to labs and safety. Students will get to conduct weekly labs to discover all about Earth through hands-on learning and discovery. The curriculum progresses to Weathering, Erosion, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, the Atmosphere, Climate, Ecosystems, Living Resources, and Energy. Throughout the school year, 6th grade will be participating in Science Camp where they will spend a week at Camp Pathfinder discovering about Earth and Nature with Naturalist Teachers and learn lifelong lessons through adventures at camp. 6th grade will also be taking field trips to the Museum of Man, and the Aquarium of the Pacific, where they will discover all about Earth and our Environment.

7th Grade: Life Science

This year we will be focusing on Life Science. Throughout the course, we will be studying specific standards and core topics, and participating in cooperative learning structures and strategies. The curriculum starts with introductions to labs and safety. Students will get to conduct labs to discover all about Life Science through hands-on learning and discovery. The year starts out with light and cells, including the differences and similarities between plant and animal cells. Second trimester, we will shift our focus onto heredity, Earth history, and Theory of Evolution. Third trimester we will learn about plants and the human organ systems.

8th Grade: Physical Science

This year we will be focusing on discovering Physical Science. Throughout the course, we will be studying specific standards and core topics, and participating in cooperative learning structures and strategies.The Physical Science curriculum starts with introductions to labs and safety. Students will get to conduct weekly labs to discover all about Physical Science through hands-on learning and discovery. The year starts out with Physics. Here students will recognize and analyze the different forces in the natural world. After the New Year, our focus will shift to chemistry. At this time, the students delve into the structure of the atom and the periodic table. The year ends on a cosmic note as the students learn to appreciate the planets,stars and universe as a whole.

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